arktopsystems company
Since 1994, was founded the company Architectural Technodome Equipment “Ark Top Systems”, distinguished for its environmental sensitivity, investing in research and expertise for the integration of PV in sunny sides of bioclimatic building shell which leads to a high energy saving and produce the necessary energy from renewable sources .
The ARK TOP SYSTEMS to the field SOLARK greENergy and products, is standing at the forefront of global innovation by offering the most comprehensive system for saving and generating energy from renewable sources, embedded architecture with a total recovery of bioclimatic building shell . Thus making a greater contribution to renewable energies in building areas where we operate and use energy, helping to reduce energy losses from the transmission network, which is particularly important given that 2050 may cover the 50 % of global energy needs, of which 25 % photovoltaics . The sector SOLARK of ARK TOP SYSTEMS creates greENergy products which are based on the proposal of the Centre for Renewable Energy Sources ( CRES ) and the Technical Committee Drafting Rules on Energy Efficiency in Buildings ( KENAK ) to energy inspectors and applied to patios , pergolas , blinds , roofs , eaves, roofs , balconies , railings , wall covering , noise barriers and pools in various combinations contributing to sustainable development by reducing climate change, whilst protecting the environment because every green produced kilowatt (kw) prevents the release of 1,450 kg of carbon dioxide, for that absorption is needed two acres of woodland.